Платно - Плагин - Personal Drone - Дополнительная информация | RustyPlugin - Бесплатные и приватные плагины для вашего сервера Rust (uMod Oxide)
  "ChatCommand_Success_Despawn": "Your personal drone has been successfully despawned!",
  "ChatCommand_Success_Spawn": "Your personal drone has been successfully spawned!",
  "ChatCommand_Success_SpawnDespawn": "Your personal drone has been successfully spawned, and previous drone was destroyed!",
  "Drone_TipText_OpenInventory": "Open Inventory - R",
  "Drone_TipText_Mount": "Mount drone - E",
  "Drone_Message_Flying": "Flying to point",
  "Drone_Message_FollowTarget": "Following target!",
  "Drone_Message_FollowOwner": "Following you!",
  "Drone_Message_Mounted": "Use in-game map and set destination point with markers",
  "Drone_Message_Destroyed": "Your drone has been destroyed!",
  "Drone_Message_Landing": "Landing...",
  "GUI_Header": "Drone Control",
  "GUI_Follow": "Follow",
  "GUI_Kill": "Kill",
  "Drone_Message_VendingMarker": "Place the marker near the desired vending machine",
  "Drone_Message_VendingNotFound": "Vending Machines not found!",
  "Drone_Message_GoingToVending": "Flying to vending called {0}",
  "Drone_Message_ArrivedToVending": "Drone have arrived to the vending! Enter /pdrone vending to order things",
  "Drone_Message_VendingBought": "Things are bought, backing to you!",
  "Drone_Message_Inventory_Blacklisted": "This item is blacklisted",
  "Drone_Message_Vending_CantOrder": "You can't order things from this vending!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_GoingCollect_Loot": "Going to collect loot!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_GoingCollect_Collectible": "Going to collect resource!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_Collected_Loot": "Collected loot, backing to you!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_Collected_Collectible": "Collected resource, backing to you!",
  "Drone_Error_Loot_HackableCrate": "Started hacking locked crate...",
  "Drone_Error_Loot_CantLoot": "Can't collect!",
  "Drone_Error_Vending_FarAway": "Vending is too far away!",
  "Drone_Error_NoAccess": "You can't use this function!",
  "ChatCommand_Error_NoPermission": "You don't have a permission to spawn personal drone",
  "ChatCommand_Error_NotFound": "Personal drone isn't found",
  "ChatCommand_Notice_Cooldown": "You need to wait {0} seconds before re-spawning the drone!"

  "ChatCommand_Success_Despawn": "Ваш персональный дрон успешно задеспавнен!",
  "ChatCommand_Success_Spawn": "Ваш персональный дрон успешно заспавнен!",
  "ChatCommand_Success_SpawnDespawn": "Ваш персональный дрон успешно заспавнен, а прошлый дрон был уничтожен!",
  "Drone_TipText_OpenInventory": "Открыть инвентарь - R",
  "Drone_TipText_Mount": "Сесть на дрон - E",
  "Drone_Message_Flying": "Лечу на точку",
  "Drone_Message_FollowTarget": "Следую за целью!",
  "Drone_Message_FollowOwner": "Следую за вами!",
  "Drone_Message_Mounted": "Используйте внутриигровую карту и назначайте точку назначения при помощи маркеров",
  "Drone_Message_Destroyed": "Ваш дрон был уничтожен!",
  "Drone_Message_Landing": "Приземляюсь...",
  "GUI_Header": "Управление дроном",
  "GUI_Follow": "Следовать",
  "GUI_Kill": "Убить",
  "Drone_Message_VendingMarker": "Поставьте маркер у необходимого вендингового автомата",
  "Drone_Message_VendingNotFound": "Вендинговые автоматы не найдены!",
  "Drone_Message_GoingToVending": "Лечу к автомату с названием {0}",
  "Drone_Message_ArrivedToVending": "Дрон прибыл к вендинговому автомату! Введите /pdrone vending чтобы заказать вещи",
  "Drone_Message_VendingBought": "Вещи куплены, возвращаюсь к вам!",
  "Drone_Message_Inventory_Blacklisted": "Этот предмет в черном списке",
  "Drone_Message_Vending_CantOrder": "Вы не можете заказать вещи из этого автомата!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_GoingCollect_Loot": "Лечу чтобы подобрать лут!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_GoingCollect_Collectible": "Лечу чтобы подобрать ресурс!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_Collected_Loot": "Подобрал лут, возвращаюсь к вам!",
  "Drone_Message_Loot_Collected_Collectible": "Подобрал ресурс, возвращаюсь к вам!",
  "Drone_Error_Loot_HackableCrate": "Начал взлом взламываемого ящика...",
  "Drone_Error_Loot_CantLoot": "Не могу собрать!",
  "Drone_Error_NoAccess": "Вы не можете использовать эту функцию!",
  "ChatCommand_Error_NoPermission": "У вас нет разрешения на спавн персонального дрона",
  "ChatCommand_Error_NotFound": "Персональный дрон не найден",
  "ChatCommand_Notice_Cooldown": "Вам нужно подождать {0} секунд, прежде чем повторно заспавнить дрон!",
  "Drone_Error_Vending_FarAway": "Вендинг слишком далеко!"